Quantum technology pioneer Quandela, based in Massy-France, is strengthening its European
leadership team with the appointment of Professor Thomas Volz as Chief Technology Officer
(CTO) for its German branch.
The appointment of Professor Volz marks a key milestone in the company’s international
expansion strategy. The German branch of Quandela will now be able to tap into the
knowledge and expertise of one of the leading experts in quantum technologies, photonics
and semiconductors.
With a Ph.D. in Experimental Physics and numerous research accomplishments to his name,
Professor Thomas Volz is a renowned figure in the world of quantum science and technology.
He has worked across a range of different quantum technology platforms that put him in a
position as a thought leader in the industry.
Prior to joining Quandela, Professor Volz worked at leading institutions, both in Germany and
Switzerland, and most recently in Australia, where he holds a professorship at Macquarie
University in Sydney. His research interests are centred around quantum photonics with new
materials, and throughout his career, Professor Volz has conducted pioneering research in the
field. In addition to his many academic achievements, Professor Volz is passionate about
research commercialization and has co-founded Sydney-based start-up Redback Systems
which produces ultra-high resolution optical spectrometers for quantum-materials research.
In his role as CTO, Professor Volz will oversee Quandela GmbH’s research initiatives, focusing
on advancing quantum photonics and semiconductor development for industrial, scientific,
and commercial applications.
“We’re very excited to have Professor Thomas Volz join our team at Quandela as the Chief
Technology Officer for our German branch. His exceptional knowledge in quantum
technologies and photonics will help us reach new levels of innovation, reinforcing our role as
a leader in the quantum computing field. With Professor Volz we will push even further the
development in quantum photonic devices that can benefit industries, science, and
businesses.” said Niccolo Somaschi], Cofounder & CTO at Quandela.
Professor Thomas Volz expressed his enthusiasm for the role, stating, “I am very much looking
forward to the new role at Quandela GmbH. I love Quandela’s technology and I am keen to
contribute to Quandela’s success through building up a strong Quandela semiconductor R&D
team in Munich.”
About Quandela
Quandela, entreprise leader dans le domaine du calcul quantique, propose des solutions de niveau industriel. Quandela conçoit, construit et fournit des systèmes quantiques prêts à l’emploi pour les datacenters, des processeurs quantiques accessibles via le cloud, et des services d’accès aux algorithmes.
Fondée en 2017 par la professeure Pascale Senellart, directrice de recherche au Centre de nanosciences et nanotechnologies (C2N) du CNRS, Niccolo Somaschi et Valérian Giesz, experts de renommée internationale en physique quantique, Quandela emploie plus de 100 collaborateurs de 20 nationalités différentes, en majorité des chercheurs et des ingénieurs en optique, algorithmes et sciences de l’information.
Quandela s’engage à rendre l’informatique quantique accessible à tous pour relever les défis industriels et sociétaux les plus complexes.
Pour en savoir plus : www.quandela.com
Quandela, a leader in quantum computing, specializes in industry-grade quantum computing solutions. Quandela designs, builds, and supplies datacenter-ready quantum computing systems, cloud-accessible quantum processors, and algorithm with industrial value.
Founded in 2017 by Professor Pascale Senellart, Research Director at the Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (C2N) at CNRS, Niccolo Somaschi and Valerian Giesz, internationally renowned experts in quantum physics, Quandela currently has over 100 employees from 20 different nationalities, mostly researchers and engineers in optical, algorithm and data science.
Quandela is committed to making advanced quantum computing accessible and beneficial for all, empowering innovators to solve the most complex industrial and societal challenges.